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Program to convert Birth Date or Any Date into a Name.or Find Day or Month name of Any Date.

WAP to find Any Day or Month Name of Any Date

About Program:

This program helps you to find the Day and Month of any Date / Any Year.
Here i'm using Simple Algorithm to find the Exact Day And Month name of Date.

Things which I have to Remember Before Creating a program:

  1. Check the Year is Leap or Normal Year
  2. Days of the Month some month have 30 and some have 31 
  3. Also include the Feb month condition for both 28 and 29 days
  4. last is creating a user Friendly Input
Here one thing to notice that i'm used a software for that program is Dev C++ .
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+	Convert birthdate Into Name    +

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(void)
    int DD = 32, MM = 13, YYYY = -1, NYYYY, NMM, IDAY, day, flag = 0;
    string month[] = {"January","February","March","April","May","June","July",
	cout<<"\n\tEnter the Date Of birth\n ";
	cout<<"\n\tDay: ";
    cin >> DD;
    cout<<"\tMonth: ";
    cin >> MM;
    cout<<"\tYear: ";
    cin >> YYYY;
     //Error Message: User has given no input
    if(DD >= 32 || MM >= 13 || YYYY <= -1)
        cout << " Please enter your birthday in this " << endl;
        cout << "     format(including spaces):      " << endl;
        cout << "            DD MM YYYY              " << endl;
        cout << "            22 01 1997              \n\n" << endl;
        return -1;
    if(DD <= 0)
        //Error Message: User has given invalid input for "Days" & "Months" fields
        if(MM <= 0)
            cout << " We don't have negative or null days and months. " << endl;
            cout << "                   Try again!                    " << endl;
            return -1;
        //Error Message: User has given invalid input for "Days" field
        cout << " We don't have negative or null days. " << endl;
        cout << "              Try again!              " << endl;
        return -1;
    if(MM <= 0)
        //Error Message: User has given invalid input for "Months" field
        cout << " We don't have negative or null months. " << endl;
        cout << "               Try again!               " << endl;
        return -1;
    if(DD > 31 || MM > 12 || YYYY <= 0)
        if(DD > 31 && MM > 12)
            //Error Message: User has given invalid input for "Days", "Months" & "Years" fields
            if(YYYY <= 0)
                cout << " We have 12 months, the days of a month are up to 31 " << endl;
                cout << "       and a year should be a positive number.       " << endl;
                cout << "                     Try again!                      " << endl;
            //Error Message: User has given invalid input for "Days" & "Months" fields
                cout << "       We have 12 months and       " << endl;
                cout << " the days of a month are up to 31. " << endl;
                cout << "            Try again!             " << endl;
        else if(DD > 31 && MM <= 12)
            //Error Message: User has given invalid input for "Days" & "Years" fields
            if(YYYY <= 0)
                cout << " The days of a month are up to 31 and " << endl;
                cout << " a year should be a positive number.  " << endl;
                cout << "             Try again!               " << endl;
            //Error Message: User has given invalid input for "Days" field
                cout << " The days of a month are up to 31. " << endl;
                cout << "            Try again!             " << endl;
        else if(DD <= 31 && MM > 12)
            //Error Message: User has given invalid input for "Months" & "Years" fields
            if(YYYY <= 0)
                cout << "        We have 12 months and        " << endl;
                cout << " a year should be a positive number. " << endl;
                cout << "             Try again!              " << endl;
            //Error Message: User has given invalid input for "Months" field
                cout << " We have 12 months. " << endl;
                cout << "     Try again!     " << endl;
        //Error Message: User has given invalid input for "Years" field
        else if(DD <= 31 && MM <= 12 && YYYY <= 0)
            cout << " A year should be a positive number. " << endl;
            cout << "             Try again!              " << endl;
        return -1;
        case 2:
            if((YYYY % 400) == 0 || ((YYYY % 4) == 0 && (YYYY % 100) != 0))
                //Error Message: User has requested an invalid day for the month "February"
                //                and the requested "Year" is a leap year.
                if(DD > 29)
                    cout << "  The year " << YYYY << " is a leap year. " << endl;
                    cout << " So, February has up to 29 days.          " << endl;
                    cout << "           Try again!                     " << endl;
                    return -1;
                //Error Message: User has requested an invalid day for the month "February"
                //              and the requested "Year" is not a leap year.
                if(DD > 28)
                    cout << " The year " << YYYY << " isn't a leap year. " << endl;
                    cout << " So, February has up to 28 days.            " << endl;
                    cout << "           Try again!                       " << endl;
                    return -1;
        case 4:
            //Error Message: User has requested an invalid day for the month "April"
            if(DD > 30)
                cout << " April has up to 30 days. " << endl;
                cout << "        Try again!        " << endl;
                return -1;
        case 6:
            //Error Message: User has requested an invalid day for the month "June"
            if(DD > 30)
                cout << " June has up to 30 days. " << endl;
                cout << "       Try again!        " << endl;
                return -1;
        case 9:
            //Error Message: User has requested an invalid day for the month "September"
            if(DD > 30)
                cout << " September has up to 30 days. " << endl;
                cout << "          Try again!          " << endl;
                return -1;
        case 11:
            //Error Message: User has requested an invalid day for the month "November"
            if(DD > 30)
                cout << " November has up to 30 days. " << endl;
                cout << "         Try again!          " << endl;
                return -1;
    if(MM <= 2)
        NYYYY = YYYY - 1;
        NMM = 0;
        NYYYY = YYYY;
        NMM = (4 * MM + 23) / 10;
    //Calculating the day
    IDAY = 365 * YYYY + DD + 31 * (MM - 1) - NMM + (NYYYY / 4) - ((3 * ((NYYYY / 100) + 1) / 4));
    day = IDAY % 7;
    //This 'flag' is used for displaying the right ending after the numbers
    if(DD != 11 && DD != 12 && DD != 13)
        flag = DD % 10;
        case 0:
            cout << " You were born on Saturday, ";
        case 1:
            cout << " You were born on Sunday, ";
        case 2:
            cout << " You were born on Monday, ";
        case 3:
            cout << " You were born on Tuesday, ";
        case 4:
            cout << " You were born on Wednesday, ";
        case 5:
            cout << " You were born on Thursday, ";
        case 6:
            cout << " You were born on Friday, ";
    if(flag == 1){
        cout << DD << "st of ";
    else if(flag == 2){
        cout << DD << "nd of ";
    else if(flag == 3){
        cout << DD << "rd of ";
        cout << DD << "th of ";
    cout << month[MM-1] << " of " << YYYY << "!" << endl;
    cout << "\n           And if you liked it,                  " << endl;
    cout << " don't forget to subscribe us ! and folllow us    " << endl;
    cout << "            	Thank you!                         " << endl;
	cout << "              	  DotClu                           " << endl;   
    return 0;


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